Rendering: BuzzBuzzHome
Location: 2200 Eglinton Avenue East
Developer: Dream
Architect: Quadrangle Architects Ltd.
A proposal for a mid-rise residential community on the eastern perimeter of Scarborough’s Golden Mile neighbourhood has been submitted to city planners for the second time.
In early June, Dream Asset Management Corporation submitted an Official Plan Amendment (OPA) application resubmission and zoning by-law amendments to Toronto city planners to develop a master-planned community at 2200-2206 Eglinton Avenue East. This latest submission follows a previous OPA application that was put forward in August 2018, which, according to the proposal documents from Dream, has since been revised to respond to policy framework within the Golden Mile Secondary Area.
The new master-plan would create a multi-building complex combining park, retail, office and residential space. Bordered by Ashtonbee Road to the north and Eglinton Avenue East to the south, the future community would neighbour the Eglinton Crosstown LRT, which is currently under construction. A total of 3,547 residences would be built, spanning a gross floor area of 2,897,224 square feet.
“The vision for the subject site involves the transformation of a currently under-utilized site into a dynamic mixed-use community, with significant employment and residential uses within a 500-metre catchment area of a major transit station area — the future Crosstown LRT stop at Birchmount Road,” explains the planning rationale prepared by Urban Strategies Inc, a Toronto-based urban planning company.
The master-plan divides the site into 10 development blocks, bisected by a future east-west public street called Golden Mile Boulevard. Residential units would be distributed between blocks two, five, seven and 10 in buildings ranging from three to 46 storeys in height, covering a mix of mid-rise buildings, eight towers and a collection of two-level townhouses. The tallest structures are expected to be built within blocks located south of Golden Mile Boulevard, with building heights tapered down north of the street.
The first phase of development would focus on blocks one to three on the southeast corner of the community. Block two would contain two residential towers joined by a four-storey podium, housing a total of 976 suites, 40 percent of which would be two bedrooms or larger. The block would provide a total of 36,403 square feet worth of indoor and outdoor amenity space, including an outdoor pool and recreation area on level four of the podium. Landscaped plazas, a childcare facility and public parks would also be included in the block. A new four-level underground parking garage would contain 644 spaces, along with 984 bicycle spots.
Block 1 on the site integrates an existing seven-storey office building and a four-storey parking garage into the master-plan. Ground-floor retail space would be planned for areas with high pedestrian traffic, such as along Eglinton Avenue East near the LRT corridor.
In the neighbourhood, registration is open for the eight-storey Oben Flats Castlefield Design District.