Location: 2151 Kingston Road, Toronto
Developer: Altree Developments
Architect: Kohn Architects
A Days Inn on Kingston Road in Scarborough’s Cliffside neighbourhood is the proposed site of a future mid-rise condo development.
Last week, a rezoning application was submitted to Toronto city planners to develop an 11-storey condo project at 2151 Kingston Road. The builder, Altree Developments, has developed other condo projects across Toronto, including Forest Hill Private Residences and Thirty Six Zorra Condominiums.
Spanning approximately 27,637 square feet, the rectangular development lot in question sits on the east side of Kingston Road, close to where Danforth Avenue and Kingston Road merge. The planning rationale, authored by Bousfields Inc, explains that the lot is technically separated from Kingston Road by an approximately eight-metre-wide parcel of city-owned land. The three-storey Days Inn hotel with surface parking currently inhabits the lot.
The application seeks to build a mixed-use development on the land that would house 178 residential units, including five live-work suites and 33 rental replacement units. The new development would encompass 142,184 square feet of gross floor area, with 135,762 square feet dedicated to residential use. The front of the building is to be constructed to the property line from levels one to six, later stepping back by 1.5 metres through the upper levels.
The five live-work units and one condo unit would be added to the ground floor level facing Kingston Road, while six other residential units facing east would share the same floor. Entrances to the lobby and the live-work units will be accessible from the west side of the building. An amenity space, lounge and moving room are planned for the same floor. At the rear of the building, a 2,813-square-foot outdoor amenity space would neighbour six private patios and yards for the at-grade residences.
The 178 residential units will consist of 22 studios, 79 one-bedroom, 60 two-bedroom and 17 three-bedroom suites. A total of 145 units are to be reserved for condominium use. Meanwhile, 33 units will serve as rental replacement units throughout the second and third floors, with 14 one-bedroom, 18 two-bedroom and one three-bedroom suites. The rental units are related to the off-site replacement of residences located at 1625-1641 Kingston Road and 52 Birchcliff Avenue, for which the applicant will submit a concurrent rezoning application.
Approximately 3,831 square feet of indoor amenity space is dispersed throughout the main and second levels, while 5,328 square feet of outdoor space will be located on the roof and at the rear of the building.
Access from Kingston Road will be provided from a driveway leading to a turn-around space, visitor parking and the underground garage. A total of 125 parking spaces are proposed for the building, located in a two-and-a-half level underground parking garage. About 135 bicycle parking spaces will also be included in the development.
In the neighbourhood, Birchwood Luxury Residences is currently in registration, while sales continue at Merge Condos.