For the latest in our series of real estate ad fails, the usual warning applies: some of these might be considered NSFW. You know, because of childish sex innuendos and all that.
Throw in free delivery and you have yourself a deal.
Photo: videobas
Poor guy.
Photo: imgur
“I will find you a home and haunt your dreams.”
Photo: imgur
Sure, I’ll get you full value. ;-)
Photo: imgur
Points for honesty.
Photo: houstonhousingtrends
Seriously, guys?
Photo: imgur
This listing was billed as an “open-concept” home.
Photo: imgur
Can’t beat that.
Photo: thelaughingstork
Rod Stewart?Photo: imgur
“Rod, I can’t get into the reasons why, but I need you to host an open house at 3:00 a.m. Tuesday morning. Can you do it?”
“I’m there.”
This is an actual realtor’s headshot.
Photo: imgur
And so is this specter.
Photo: estateagents.tumblr
“Luke, you must go to the Dagobah system.”
And this industry giant.
Photo: imgur
This dynamic duo.
Photo: imgur
8th best real estate team! 8TH!!
A reassuring sign.
Photo: realtydrama
Keeping it real.
Photo: imgur
More surprising than the agent’s choice to go by Dick rather than Richard is the fact that his domain name wasn’t already taken by porn.
Photo: imgur
The most unpretentious realty company out there.
Photo: imgur
Cool Ranch Doritos?! Hired.
Photo: easyproperty
A reduced price on a gorgeous riverfront property.
Photo: imgur
That’s a lot of trouble to go to for a bad pun. Respect.
Photo: imgur
Do you think Craig sets up booby traps in his open houses?
Photo: imgur
Photo: imgur
Need a realtor? This guy sounds like a safe choice.
Photo: imgur
Anita should have kept her maiden name.
Photos: imgur
This totally chill sign in a tough market.
Photo: imgur
Must love animals (having outdoor sex).
Photo: Pinterest
The realtor name game has been won. Everyone else go home.
Photo: imgur
Want full value for your home? Stay away from this guy.
Photo: imgur