There is hope still for serial houseplant killers — decorating with terrariums is on trend and the succulents that inhabit them are virtually impossible to kill. These tear-shaped terrariums from CB2 are handmade using laboratory-grade glassware and are available online or in-store for only $7 each. Hang them separately or in a cluster to give your home a fresh, spring feel.
Creating your own terrarium requires only a few simple steps. After you’ve picked out your succulents (moss, cacti and air plants also work well), form a base using a thin layer of gravel for drainage. Next, add an inch or two of cactus potting soil mix. Remove the succulent from its container and place the roots into the soil. Use sand, pebbles, figurines or other decorations to add character to the terrarium. Succulents thrive in environments with bright, indirect sunlight and should be watered every three to four weeks using a spray bottle aimed at the roots.