While buying a new home is exciting, moving day itself is highly stressful. Homeowners can bring calm to the chaos by planning ahead and assembling a solid moving crew, but also in observing moving day traditions and customs for good luck and good health, if they are so inclined.
Much like with housewarming gifts, the symbolism of several moving day traditions is rooted in historic folklore. But superstition aside, who doesn’t want to live in a home filled with health, happiness and prosperity accomplished in a few easy steps?
Here are some of the most common moving day traditions and décor ideas to keep the good vibes flowing afterwards.
Don’t hammer nails after sunset
Hanging a few pieces of artwork towards the end of moving day might seem like good time management, but hammering nails into walls after the sun goes down can have ramifications, spiritually speaking. Apparently, the ruckus from hammering will awaken the tree gods, which sounds like trouble for the new homeowners. This is a task to put off until morning.
Luckily for the tree gods, some of the newest trends in art display involve layering artwork on tabletops or open shelving, no nailing (and no noise) required.
Make the garden lucky
Orange trees are thought to bring good luck, while lemon trees are thought to usher in good health, so plant either of these in the garden, or place near the front door.
If growing citrus isn’t possible because of climate, or if a homeowner is looking for a more decorative way to do this tradition, a glass bowl filled with lemons on the counter does the trick.
Other plants to include at home for luck and health include bamboo and aloe.
Blue front porch
This is a tradition that supports a hot design trend at the same time- painting the front porch blue.
The front porch is experiencing a design revival, when homeowners re-discovered its social distancing and style potential during the pandemic.
New homeowners can bring luck to their home and create curb appeal at the same time by painting the front porch blue. The story goes that blue represents water, and spirits can’t cross the water. It’s like a spiritual security system.
This tradition began in the southern United States, and is highly visible there today, with many front porches with ceilings that are painted “haint” blue.
Don’t move on a rainy day
Rain on your moving day foreshadows doom and gloom for the homeowner.
While this moving tradition is rooted in superstition, there is pragmatic wisdom on not moving on a rainy day. If not properly packed, wrapped and otherwise shielded from the rain, belongings, particularly furniture and appliances, can get damaged.
Similarly, carrying things and moving on wet surfaces can be dangerous, so precautions should be taken.
Perhaps this extra level of risk that comes with the rain is why moving on a rainy day is considered unlucky.
Burn sage
The practice of burning sage (called smudging) in a house extends back centuries and crosses a number of cultures. At its core, burning sage is meant to purify the space. It is even more meaningful on moving day because it signals new beginnings.
While burning the sage, the homeowner moves throughout the home, visiting all the rooms, paying special attention to common areas where residents will spend most of their time i.e., the family room, the kitchen etc.
Burning sage isn’t just limited to the first day in your new home; many homeowners burn sage frequently as a way of “cleaning” the space and resetting their intentions at home.
For homeowners who would like to make this a regular practice, purchasing a smudging bowl or plate to sit on a mantel or shelf is a decorative idea.
Ring a bell
One of the most common Feng Shui practices, ringing a bell will rid the home of any negative or dying energy. The homeowner should move from room to room, ringing the bell and starting fresh.
To keep the good times rolling (and ringing), consider hanging windchimes on the front porch, or hanging a stylish door knocker with a bell on the front door.
Bring in the light

For homeowners today, the presence of natural light is a major design element because of its mental and physical health benefits at home. It’s not surprising then that introducing light, natural or otherwise, on moving day is a popular tradition.
Some believe that turning on every light in the home will banish evil spirits, whereas others prefer to illuminate a little more thoroughly, shining a flashlight into every corner.
It’s probably easier for homeowners to light a few LED candles for good luck and relax in the cozy glow at the end of moving day.
Banish the brooms
Homeowners are advised to leave any brooms, mops or other cleaning tools in their old house, leaving “old dirt” behind.
And when moving into the new home, homeowners should buy a new broom and carry it across the threshold the first time they enter, assumingly to sweep good luck into their new home.
Scatter coins
Want wealth and prosperity in your new home? Scatter coins around the rooms when you move in.
Some homeowners of new construction homes get a jump on this particular moving tradition by burying coins in cement during the build phase, either in the foundation or in what will be the front steps of the home, for a permanent fixture to bring luck.
Exit strategy
In Irish lore, when first moving into a home, you must exit from the same door that you entered.
Or, if you happen to own a cat, Russian moving day custom dictates that letting a cat walk through the front door for the first time in advance of homeowners will bring good luck.
Housewarming party
The housewarming party is a tradition that modern day homeowners can certainly relate to. The idea, in addition to fêting the new home, is that the celebration creates warmth- literally and figuratively- that will linger for years to come.