As the global ambassador of the Toronto Raptors, Drake has become a courtside fixture at the Air Canada Centre. Whether he’s celebrating with players, heckling refs or providing us with reaction fodder for gifs, there’s no doubt that the 6 God loves basketball.
When the plans for Drake’s Bridle Path mega-mansion were revealed in May, we were hardly surprised to see that the design included a 94-foot basketball court and an adjacent jersey museum. Norm Li Architectural Graphics + Illustrations has envisioned Drizzy’s future court in a new rendering, replete with a dramatic showdown between Steph Curry and Lebron James.
BuzzBuzzHome has produced its own 3D floorplans of Drake’s 21,000 square foot mansion, which you can see here. ‘Drizzy Manor’ is mapped out in 17 envy-inducing renderings that include an indoor pool, spa, library, awards room, home theatre, security suite and snack lounge.
Drake’s taken on quite a few job titles during his 29 years — actor, rapper, clothing designer — perhaps this latest move is an effort practice up and kickstart his own professional basketball career.
Check out Norm Li’s first rendering of the “One Dance” rapper’s swanky awards room below: