
4320 Red Banks Lane


D.R. Horton


Braden Pointe

Braden Pointe
For sale
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Pearson B

Braden Pointe

Sales Information Center Now Open! Luxury townhome living is now in Bradenton at Braden Pointe! Bradenton is a quiet town that is full of Floridas natural beauty, a short drive away from state parks, the Manatee River, Anna Maria Island, and more. Braden Pointe is nestled off 301 and 44th Avenue East, providing you quick access to Downtown Bradenton, Downtown Sarasota, St. Petersburg, and Tampa. Right from your doorstep, you are within minutes of excellent dining and shopping, white sandy beaches, and some of the west-coasts best-ranked golf courses. Braden Pointe features our Glen, Vale & Pearson townhomes, featuring 3 bedrooms, 2.5 bathrooms, a 1 car garage with 2 car driveways, and all concrete block construction on the first and second floors. Our townhomes are fully equipped with stainless steel appliances, granite counters in the kitchen, a laundry ro...

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