From $1,088,000 to $1,858,000
1 - 3
1 - 2
594 - 1,278
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![news-Latest permit application at Oakridge redevelopment includes rooftop greenspaces and a running loop](https://www.livabl.com/articles/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/OakridgeBuilding12_Exterior1-390x200.jpeg)
Latest permit application at Oakridge redevelopment includes rooftop greenspaces and a running loop
James BombalesJuly 9, 2021
The application also reveals plans for a sprawling rooftop amenity that would be built over the lower retail and commercial spaces.
![news-Two-tower development proposed near Oakridge Centre in Cambie Corridor](https://www.livabl.com/articles/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/Claridge-House_Rendering1-390x200.jpeg)
Two-tower development proposed near Oakridge Centre in Cambie Corridor
James BombalesJune 11, 2021
The development consists of a 14-storey rental building on the north end of the property and a 27-storey condo tower on the south.